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'This work is dedicated to the people who have made Breachwood Green'
'Beneath those rugged Elms, that Yew-Tree's Shade,
Where heaves the Turf in many a mould'ring Heap,
Each in his narrow Cell for ever laid,
The rude Forefathers of the Hamlet sleep.'
Thomas Gray 1716-1771
All of the work on this collection was done by myself ,Peter Rochford, except where I have indicated in the following credits. The work spanned July 2000 to the end of January 2001.
I can be contacted at:
6 Lower Road, Breachwood Green, King's Walden, Hertfordshire. SG4 8NS.
Telephone: 01438 832813.
E-mail: peter@breachwood.comThe following people without order of merit I would like to offer my sincere thanks for their help in making this project possible:
James 'Javaman' Lloyd for demon Javascript and other technical help when my knowledge 'dried up'.
John Wilson for loan of picture of his cottage.
Rosemary Long for loan of map of Lower Road area of the village.
Chris and Margaret Ross for loan of pictures and for much information.
Glenn and Jane Morton for loan of pictures.
Ian and Anne Franks for loan of pictures.
Mrs Biggs for loan of pictures and for the background information.
Tony Knight for pictures and loads of information.
Liz Greet for help on behalf of the Breachwood Society and for loan of her own personal pictures.
Bill and Joan Drage for loan of pictures and general encouragement.
The staff of Hertfordshire Archive and Local Studies (HALS) section of the Hertford Library for being so helpful and patient.
Neil Whitmore for pictures and fascinating stories.
Mrs. Bethel of Breachwood School for pictures, information and patience.
Michael Holden for leading me to a few hidden treasures.
David Winch for picture and the story behind it that still amazes me.
Pauline Hitch and Dennis Hitch for pictures.
Dick Stimpson for pictures of the Red Lion P.H.
Helen Laurence who does not live in the village for taking such an interest and loaning me her picture of Ivy Cottage.
Sally Hutchison for picture.
Barry Chaney for having the courage to tell me when I was making a hash of it!If there is anyone I have missed out, then please accept my apologies. I would like to say thank you to all in the village who gave me their help and encouragement and for their patience when the project took so much longer than anticipated.
Special thanks and credit must go to the following:
Tim Tacon, for encouraging me to do this project and for getting the ball rolling by doing a large amount of scanning of pictures. Also, for the many times that he copied large numbers of the CD version of the work.
Jane Morton, for proofreading the entire text. Also, for 'daring' me to do the project!
Bill Drage, for the wonderful picture he drew that forms part of the CD version front cover and features in the opening page of the collection. Also, for a great number of present day photographs that he took. Further to that, his views on the work as it progressed gave me much encouragement! Bill also 'road tested' the whole collection and provided advice on historical data where possible.
Win Webb, who provided me with a huge amount of pictures that form a large part of this collection. These were originally owned by Ruth Lawrence, her aunt. I am indebted to Win for so much valuable information and for help, encouragement, and interest in the project. Bless you!
Joy Field and Evelyn Watts, for kind permission to use their superb work on the history of the village.
Barbara & Jim Williamson, for loan of pictures and for so much valuable information, particularly regarding Lower Road.Jo and Andrew Laurie-Pile, for their amazing patience and for the loan of their personal pictures for inclusion. To Jo for being such a lovely lady and loaning me her digital camera and for the lovely present day photos of the village she took for the retirement of the village postman, David Rolph, which make up the Village 2000 collection. Also, for succeeding where I failed in managing to corner the reluctant milkman, James Marlow!
Christine Shearman, of Hertfordshire Archive and Local Studies at County Hall, Hertford, for providing me with archive pictures and every assistance I needed. I hope the finished work is what you thought it was going to be!
Finally, I cannot finish without expressing my love and thanks to my long-suffering partner, Janet Fossey. Her patience throughout this saga has been remarkable. For all the times I dodged out of the chores, disappeared for hours on end, was irritable when things went wrong, I apologise. And next time, I will heed your advice and keep my big mouth shut and avoid getting involved in anything like this again!
No thanks go to Bill Gates of Microsoft whose cursed operating system caused me more grief than I care to mention. I could have done the job in half the time with an Apple Mac!